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OTM Catalog

To Get What You Want, You Have to Talk about it: Employee’s Role in the Performance Management Process  (back)
Have you thought about what your role is in your performance management & development conversations? Several people share the responsibility for feedback and development throughout the process. You can have thinking partners and those to help hold you accountable, but how can you proactively prepare and assume ownership of your performance? The conversation starts with you!

One of the best ways to engage your supervisor in your performance development is to initiate a discussion. You have many opportunities whether through formal performance or goal setting conversations, or informal one on one conversations.

How do you get started and what is your role? How do you adequately prepare for performance conversations – formal or informal? Attend this workshop to discuss ways to start conversations and gain traction towards your professional development. In this interactive session you will learn strategies and tips to better align the employee-employer relationship through goal setting and performance conversations. Learn to focus the conversation on the aspects that make the biggest impact on employee development and performance. You will also explore innovative conversation starter tools to get the ball rolling and maximize your results.
Contact Info:
Shelly Vils Havel (shelly.vilshavel@wisc.edu)
No upcoming events.

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