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Section 117 Foreign Gifts and Contract Reporting   (back)
This is a recorded session. You can watch it anytime at your convenience.

Section 117 of the Higher Education Act requires higher education institutions to file a disclosure report with the U.S Department of Education (ED) whenever an institution receives a gift from or enters into a contract with a foreign source that, considered alone or in combination with all other gifts from and contracts with the same foreign source, have a value of $250,000 or more within a calendar year. To comply with this requirement, UW-Madison must report to ED each July and January.

This recorded session is designed to aid campus financial community members with understanding what information needs to be reported in a concise and efficient manner. The session covers the following material: what foreign receipt information to compile and submit; when and how to submit the information; foreign information examples; and an explanation of the excel reporting template. This recorded session is 26 minutes in length and can be paused as needed.

When you register for this session, you will be given two options:
1) Watch the video immediately (a link to the course will pop up after you confirm your registration).
2) Watch the video at a later time. For this option, when you are ready to view the video, visit OHR's Professional Development website and click on "Review Your Course History/Registrations" to locate the course link. Alternatively, you can locate the video at a later time after registering by going to your Canvas courses (canvas.wisc.edu).
Contact Info:
Section 117 Foreign Gifts and Contract ReportingOnline Course


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