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CSN Coaching Circle Training Exercise  (back)
As a supervisor, you are often trying to find answers, solve problems, mentor and/or give advice to support your direct reports. In this session, we introduce you to a tool that does not require you to have any answers or solutions. In fact, thinking you might have the answer or solution is discouraged. The tool is Coaching Circles. These circles aren’t about getting advice or merely having a place to vent. They aren’t about someone else solving your problems. They are spaces of deep listening and deep learning. New perspectives opening up to new possibilities. The best way to learn is to experience for yourself. In this session, we will discuss the logistics, roles, and steps involved in participating in a Coaching Circle. Then it will be your turn to try out a circle! Absolutely no coaching experience or special knowledge is required. You will be walked through everything you need to know. We will end by talking about ways you might get your employees involved in coaching circles, or how you yourself might want to be a part of a circle.

Facilitated by Theresa Kim of UW-Madison Learning and Talent Development.
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