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OTM Catalog

Stress Management: Creating a Healthy Mind: Addressing Burnout  (back)
Burnout is a real thing that leaves us exhausted, detached from our jobs and inefficient in all areas of our lives. Creating a healthy mindset that is flexible and able to adapt to the stress everyday life is a remedy for burnout. Content includes:
o Mindful living and mindful habits
o Building resilience through focusing on managing energy in four areas: Physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual
o Increasing emotional intelligence through self-awareness, self- management, and empathy

This event is being planned and hosted by the CALS Wellness Committee. Anyone on campus can attend. The presenter is from LifeMatters, which is an Employee Assistance Program the UW Employee Assistance Office has partnered with.
Contact Info:
Kristin Carroll (kristin.carroll@wisc.edu)
No upcoming events.

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