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IEDE Lunch & Learn Series  (back)
IEDE's Fall 2023 pilot lunch and learn series is designed for staff and faculty in the College of Engineering, and will explore topics central to creating a culture of belonging and inclusion for all.

Sessions will be 1 hr in length, and provide an overview of the topic, questions for individual reflection and small group discussion, with a focus on concrete action; resources for additional exploration and learning will also be provided.

You are invited to bring your lunch. IEDE will provide cookies and fruit for in-person events.

Psychological Safety: Psychological Safety is about developing mutual trust, and having the ability to take risks without fear of reprisal. Groups with strong psychological safety learn and problem solve better because members can share their ideas and speak up about their concerns.
Contact Info:
DON GILLIAN-DANIEL (dldaniel@wisc.edu)
Intended Audience:
UW–Madison Employees
Self-Awareness and Development
No upcoming events.

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