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Mental Health First Aid   (back)
Mental Health First Aid is an early intervention public education program. It teaches adults how to recognize the signs and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health challenge, how to listen nonjudgementally, give reassurance to a person who may be experiencing a mental health challenge, and how to refer a person to appropriate professional support and services. Courses are designed to teach people how to approach, assess, and assist a person who may be experiencing early signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge, worsening signs and symptoms of a mental health challenge, or who may be experiencing a crisis. This training is an all day training. It is designed for UW-Madison faculty, instructors, advisors, career services and learning support community members.

This training consists is designed for UW-Madison faculty, instructors, advisors, career services and learning support community members. Breakfast and lunch provided.

Time: There will be a 15-minute morning break.

A welcome email will be sent on September 30th that will provide additional details for the course (i.e., location, materials, etc.,).
Contact Info:
Soumya Palreddy (emily.sivesindfinger@wisc.edu)
Intended Audience:
UW Madison Employees
Mental Health First Aid12/10/20248:00 AM5:00 PMTo Be DeterminedFull12/6/20240YES

  Event full.   

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