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Emotional Intelligence @ Work   (back)
According to Forbes, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is one of the top 10 skills employees will need to succeed in 2020. CareerBuilder found that 71% of employers viewed EQ more important than IQ .

Why? Research suggests that employees who develop and practice Emotional Intelligence:
• Are effective listeners and communicators
• Successfully manage difficult situations
• Build trusting work relationships
• Admit and learn from mistakes and are open to feedback
• Are empathetic towards others and see value in differing perspectives
• Successfully navigate stress and pressure

The good news is EQ can be learned, improved, and developed. All it takes is practice.

Interested in learning more? Join us for this interactive workshop where we will explore how to increase your EQ in ways that can improve and enhance relationships; foster inclusive communication and decision-making; and maximize emotionally intelligent strategies in your work and personal life.

Why should I attend:

• Trace the anatomy of an emotion and review how emotions and thoughts work together to influence behaviors
• Examine a 5-element model of emotional intelligence
• Identify personal behaviors and actions influenced by emotions that impact decisions, results, and relationships in the workplace
• Review & practice strategies to build your own capacity to manage emotions intelligently and choose to respond, rather than react
Contact Info:
Tamie Klumpyan (Tamie.klumpyan@wisc.edu)
No upcoming events.

  Registration ended.   

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