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CALS Training  (back)

EPA's Agricultural Worker Protection Standard (WPS) aims to reduce pesticide poisonings and injuries among agricultural workers and pesticide handlers. The WPS offers occupational protections to over 2 million agricultural workers and pesticide handlers who work at over 600,000 agricultural establishments. In 2015, EPA revised the WPS to decrease pesticide exposure incidents among farmworkers and their family members. Fewer incidents means a healthier workforce and fewer lost wages, medical bills and absences from work and school.

Who it is for:
This training is intended for workers and handlers. Agricultural workers do not apply or handle pesticides, but they work in areas where pesticides were used in the last 30-40 days. They perform activities that put them in contact with pesticide residue. Pesticide handlers are not licensed applicators. But they perform pesticide-handling activities. These include mixing and loading, assisting with applicators, disposing of containers, and servicing application equipment.
Worker Protection Standard Training 8/7/202410:00 AM11:15 AMOnlineYESYES
Worker Protection Standard Training 9/11/202410:00 AM11:15 AMOnlineYESYES
Worker Protection Standard Training 10/9/202410:00 AM11:15 AMOnlineYESYES
Worker Protection Standard Training 11/6/202410:00 AM11:15 AMOnlineYESYES

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