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Login     OHRD Catalog Saturday, July 27, 2024   
OTM Catalog

Managers and Supervisors  (back)
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023) - old course    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Creating a Healthy, Inclusive, and Engaging Work Environment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Disability Accommodation (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Family and Medical Leave Act (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Human Resources Corrective Disciplinary Action (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Risk Management (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Safety Fundamentals (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Standard Job Descriptions and Position Descriptions (7/12/2023 - 9/20/2023)    Online Course YESNO
Standard Job Descriptions and Position Descriptions (9/26/2023 -12/5/2023)    Online Course YESNO
Standard Job Descriptions and Position Descriptions (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Worker's Compensation (Monday Afternoons, 5/8/2023 - 7/31/2023)    Online CourseRegistration EndedYESNO
Coaching Employees for Retention and Career Development 9/10/20248:30 AM11:30 AMIngraham Hall, Room 220 29YES
Coaching Employees for Retention and Career Development 10/23/20241:00 PM4:00 PM21 North Park Street, Room 5045 30YES
Coaching Employees for Retention and Career Development 12/12/20249:00 AM12:00 PMOnline 29YES

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